
Mobile ApplicationsAndroid App

Economical Investment

Since Android is an open-source platform, all developers have unlimited access to the Android SDK. Additionally, being a JavaScripted platform, that makes it extremely easy to master and execute.

Simple Customization

Android is an extremely flexible platform with a range of easy customization alternatives. This empowers developers to build apps with a myriad of different functionalities and incorporate versatility into data management functions.


Android Game Development

We build superior and interactive gaming apps that feature stunning graphics and beautiful animations, including categories such as arcade, puzzle, racing and more.

E-Commerce App Development

Our experts code feature rich and scalable ecommerce apps using the versatile Android platform to enhance customer reach and boost business revenues.

Multimedia App Development

The W3nuts team offers high-speed android multimedia services and delivers a host of informative apps compatible with all variants of hardware and software.

Social Media App Development

We build android-based social media apps that allow you to promote your business on a wide variety of platforms and transform your marketing strategies.

Banking & Financial App Development

We code android-based banking apps that enhance financial systems by delivering a secure framework and simplifying the banking and financial process for users.

GPS & Wi-Fi Based App Development

W3nuts boasts of a multifaceted team skilled in the development of GPS & Wi-Fi based apps that are of top-notch quality and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Android App Testing

Our dexterous mobile app testers ensure consistent performance sand deliver superior quality apps that are built with flawless functionality.

Smart TV App Development

The skillful crew at W3nuts delivers fresh and interactive TV apps, TV games, Playback apps, TV app checklist, and many more.

Native Android App Development

We build native android apps using development tools and languages like Android studio, Google Material and Java that are supported by the capable android platform.

Hybrid Android App Development

We code sturdy and functional hybrid android apps based on standard web technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and React Native among others.

Virtual Reality App Development

Our crew of proficient coders crafts a wide gamut of virtual reality apps using the Google VR SDK,enabling users to be entertained and educated at the same time.

Augmented Reality App Development

We harness the power of ARCore and Unity to build beautiful and realistic augmented reality apps and also integrate complex 3D models with your AR apps.

Android Wear Expertise

Our team of Android wear developers has a firm grasp of the Android Wear SDK and each of them is well equipped with handling multiple wearable device screens.

Hire dedicatedAndroid Developer

As a

WordPress VIP partner

, we comprehend the challenges that organizations encounter while hiring WordPress developers. To address this, we employ a rigorous vetting process to source, screen, and engage with highly skilled professionals. Through this approach, we have built a network of carefully selected talents who possess the necessary capabilities to address your business requirements effectively.
Full Time Monthly
  • 8 hours a day & 21 working days in a month.
  • Total : 168 hours.
  • Minimum Period of Hiring : 2 Months.
  • Billing : 50% advance, 50% at the mid of month.
  • 8 hours a day & 21 working days in a month.
  • Total : 168 hours.
  • Minimum Period of Hiring : 2 Weeks.
  • Billing : 50% advance, 50% at the mid of month.
  • 8 hours a day & 21 working days in a month.
  • Total : 168 hours.
  • Minimum Period of Hiring : 10 hours min.
  • Billing : 50% advance, 50% at the mid of month.

For last 5 years we have been working with W3NUTS and have worked with 100+ projects with wide web horizon. They are highly recommended and we strongly recommend them. Good work guys!

Its nice experience working with W3NUTS.. We are now partners rather then associates and we look forward for more business ventures. Good luck guys!

For last 5 years we have been working with W3NUTS and have worked with 100+ projects with wide web horizon. They are highly recommended and we strongly recommend them. Good work guys!